And so... the day has finally come to complete those 21.1km! All my training has led up to this point.

Firstly, make sure you have received your training pack, if not, contact the organisers. Hopefully, you have checked the weather and sorted what to wear the night before and set an alarm for the appropriate time to arrive promptly at your start area which would have been indicated to you in an email. A hat might be useful if rain is forecast and do not forget to wear SPF!
I like to listen to music while I run and the playlist below is one I frequent that includes upbeat and melodic tunes for me to concentrate on. I also like to listen to podcasts such as The Receipts Podcast.
Follow me on Spotify @damilaara and all my other social media to stay updated with my curated content.

There's no need to bring water since there will be water points along the way, but if you feel that is essential for you, you can. It would be very useful to carry some BCAAs, creatine or sports drink, also energy bars, trail mix or fruit/nut bars to replenish your fuel along the run as needed. Sip and eat slowly so as not to get a dreaded stitch. Some lip balm might be useful to carry as well, if possible.
Please don't forget to donate to Sapphire's campaign to aid young underprivileged people in Vijayawada, India, general funding for their programmes to help young people achieve careers in the creative industry or get in touch to volunteer around your skills and schedule:
I will be sure to check in after the run... I can't wait!
